Who we serve

At Open Eyes Counseling, we are dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, and nonjudgmental space for individuals from diverse backgrounds and communities. We proudly serve the LGBTQIA+ community, recognizing the unique challenges and experiences that individuals within this community may face.

Our inclusive approach extends to adults, children, couples, and individuals in various forms of relationships. We understand the importance of addressing the specific needs and dynamics within these relationships, offering guidance and support to foster healthier connections and communication. Additionally, we are committed to providing a welcoming and understanding environment for individuals in the kink community, recognizing and respecting their lifestyle and preferences.

At Eyes Open Counseling, our mission is to provide a safe, affirming, supportive, and nonjudgmental space for individuals to embark on a journey of self-exploration, healing, and personal growth.

man in gray sweater wearing black framed eyeglasses
man in gray sweater wearing black framed eyeglasses
a person wearing a black bracelet
a person wearing a black bracelet
smiling woman with both hands wrap around man's neck near white concrete building
smiling woman with both hands wrap around man's neck near white concrete building
woman in black crew neck shirt
woman in black crew neck shirt